we r gonna go fort cannin today!!! after sch jan rez came to my class,told me to get to multi purpose room. saw,kenzi n joan too,then went to fourth floor,this sec1 class outside multi purpose room. we got the key,so we went in,but sum of them barged in,claiming tat their teacher let them in blablabla,we argued back that we got the key 1st and we already booked this room. most went out,xcept for this idiot guy. shouted at him still refuse to go out. nb sia. then their teacher came,blablabla,in de end we still occupy the room-.-.

then it was make up timE!!!! OMG THE MAKE-UPS ARE TOTALLY DISGUSTING. mr adam style my hair like all spike up n my sides r all *flat flat* 1. wtf??!!! girls had their hair tied up n messy style. about 2.45,every1 was ready to go. =D.

next problem:goin to canteen without being embarresed. walked pass 3rd floor,OMG SANCHIA!!!! ok lucky she dint c me. HEH . reach canteen,then lsm n lc was laughing their asses off at me n jan -.-. Grrr. DAMN BUS FASTER COME!!! i got a call suddenly, sum1 call angel from 1/6(is there such person??!!) say that shes my secret admirer blablabla. what the hell??!! ok,mus be a prankcall,i hanged anyway. waited for awhile.finally the stupid bus came.

1st time i went to fort cannin. it was SOOO big!!! and the stage is freakin big n slippery,had difficulty running.. we rehearsed a few times,then we went to chill in the make-up room,or whatever u call that. the girls were all "bushing" here n there. cut the long story short, everyone was laughing like mad XD .then the time finally came. it was our turn,lucky the audience was lesser then dance works,so wasnt that nervous. overall i think it was pretty nice. heh. went to eat and watched other dances while waiting for the bus. the ballet dancers was so pro,their movements are very light and all. bus came like around 8.30,eveyr1 was quiet in the bus. saw benson sleeping,scared him 3 times HAHA.. joan also slept,shes soo quiet n peaceful when shes sleeping. damn noisy when shes awake ^^; .


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